Employee Excellence in Service – Accommodation Division

This category recognises excellence in a hotel employee from any department within the hotel operation. The employee is considered to offer outstanding service at all times and is proof that good help is not always so hard to find. Please note: Eligible finalists are encouraged to submit an updated CV with their entry. Alternatively, the CV submitted to the relevant state branch for their respective State Awards will be used to assist in the assessment of this category. The candidate must also be available for an interview via phone. The candidate will be advised of a time for this interview during the months of June or July. Judges will base their assessment on a range of areas including, but not exclusive to, the following:

  • Demonstrated knowledge, expertise, interest, involvement and ambitions in the hotel industry;
  • Examples of hotel education, formal and informal learning;
  • Future aspirations within the industry;
  • Contributions to the community or industry;
  • Diversity in work history and experience;
  • Professional attitude;
  • Information provided in the CV, and
  • Recommendation letter from employer or others if available

Award Categories: 

The entry fee required to nominate into the AHA National Awards for Excellence is $330 per category.

Please be aware that payment for your nomination is due within 14 days of receiving the invoice.

AHA National Award categories include: